Dear year 34,
Hello there. I am happy to see you. Come on in and stay a year will ya?
So tell me about yourself. Do you include anything really fantastic? Can you please assure me that you don't come with any new wrinkles and gray hair? That would be great.
Well let me tell you a little about me. I am happy. Really happy. Oh the everyday life is mundane, yes. But it has a solid, steady beauty. It is predictable and flows with a rhythm I can easily dance to.
I have 2 great kids. Wonderful, sweet, and darn cute. And I get to stay home and see them grow. It is a blessing that I sometimes don't see in the right perspective. I plan to try to see it more for what it is- a blessing, and something that I should soak up instead of try to muddle through.
I have some goals for you, year 34. Yeah, I know everybody says to get in shape. But I plan to get back to where I was. No more, no less. I know I won't be slim, but I plan to regain my strength and energy. I plan to gripe less about my body, and enjoy it much much more. I want to walk, bike, run, dance. I want to enjoy my boy being ALL MINE again, after these years of babies and nursing.
I plan to laugh way more. Take myself less seriously. Let things go for heaven's sake. And love without worrying about rejection. I plan to say it all, every chance I get. I plan for the people I love to get so sick of my kindness they can't stand it.
This is the year. The year I am done having babies and get to raising them. The year I can get back in touch with my husband, after being so focused on babies and their needs. The year I will enjoy everything with a new heart focused on family, God, and my blessings.
So, year 34. Get ready. I am going to challenge you, live everyday of you to the fullest, laugh and dance and act silly and throw myself into my life. I am going to delete the negativity, and regain my power as a wife, mother, and child of God.
Strap on your helmet, year 34- I am going to take you on one helluva ride!